Current and Upcoming Courses
What follows is a list of the Workshops and Courses currently offered through the SEMC lab. Workshops and Courses are open to interested persons from our member institutions and the scientific community.
The Appion Workshop Series covers single particle and tomography processing focused on users at the facility and using Leginon to collect our data. Themes are generalized and would be beneficial for anyone interested in the field.
The Winter-Spring 2025 EM Course
Electron microscopy in combination with image analysis is increasingly powerful in producing 3D structures of individual molecules and large macromolecular complexes that are unapproachable by other methods. This course is focused on the concepts and theories behind electron microscopy and will be taught in a reverse classroom format based on Grant Jensen’s online course (Getting Started in Cryo-EM from Caltech). Students will be responsible for watching these online lectures prior to class. Each week guest lecturers and SEMC staff lead discussions on the practice of solving molecular structures by electron microscopy.
To learn the details of when this course begins and how to register, click here.
Appion Part 1 – Basics and 2D Single Particle Analysis
The Appion Part 1 Workshop provides hands-on training for the Appion single-particle data processing workflow. Appion is a “pipeline” for processing and analysis of EM images; it is integrated with Leginon data acquisition, but can also be used stand-alone after uploading images or particle stacks. Topics include analyzing the quality of your data collection, correcting the CTF, generating and cleaning up stacks, and generating 2D class averages. An Appion Part 2 Workshop will be offered in the future to provide training for making initial models and doing 3D reconstructions.
The last Appion Part I Workshop was held on November 4, 2021
If you are interested in attending pre-register here:
I’d like to register for Appion Part 1!
Appion Part 2: 3D Reconstruction
This Appion Part 2 Workshop is a follow-on to the Part 1 workshop and focuses on 3D initial models and refinement.
The next Appion Part 2 Workshop will be held Winter 2022.
If you’d like to attend the Appion Part 2 Workshop, preregister here:
I’d like to register for Appion Part 2!
Appion Part 3: Tomography
This Workshop covers tilt-series collection in Leginon, fiducial-less tilt-series alignment within Appion with Protomo, and sub-tomogram averaging with Dynamo. With this knowledge you will be able to create de novo initial models for single particle projects that no reviewer can argue with after just 1 hour of collection or collect and process tilt-series of FIB/SEM lamella, and anything in between.
If you are interested in attending the Appion Part 3 Workshop, register here:
I want to register for the Appion Part 3 Workshop!
Leginon Workshop: Krios Data Collection at SEMC
How to get the most out of your Krios session!
Leginon is a system designed for automated collection of images from a transmission electron microscope. This workshop is intended for active Krios users to more effectively and efficiently use the platform for high resolution single particle data collection. We will also show the full sample handling process at SEMC from grid drop off to loading.
If you’d like to take the Leginon Workshop, register here:
I’d like to register for the Leginon Workshop!